
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Some Progress and Future Goals

Hey everyone. It's your favorite writer again. here with an update of what I've been up to.

So I've been making a lot of headway with the stories I'm currently working on through my Hubpages account. So much so, in fact, that I'm practically done. However, there's still actually posting the chapters on the website, so they're both still weeks away from me technically being done with them. But thanks to the headway I've made, I got to start working on the next books of some of my other series that are still ongoing.

First up, there's the Shadow Slayer Trilogy. I felt that it was about time I started working on this series again. It's supposed to be a trilogy, but it's been taking a long time for me to actually complete. I'm hoping to power through and actually get the whole series completed as soon as possible.

For those of you that don't know, the Shadow Slayer Trilogy is an action-oriented dark fantasy, horror series that follows the adventures of two siblings with an over-complicated family. Like with many of my stories, I took my inspiration from media like television shows an comics that I've become a fan of for most of my teenage and adult life. So you can expect a lot of intrigue and fighting scenes.

Once I'm done with the trilogy, I'm hoping to make a sort of spin-off sequel of it, set in the same universe. I already have a somewhat clear picture of who's going to be in it and what their adventures would be about. While I hope to put some action in it, it might not compare to the almost comic-book superhero-like endeavors of the current series' characters.

Next on my agenda is another Ben and Co. novel! It's about time I got to working on this. Like with the Shadow Slayer Trilogy, the adventures of Benjamin Tao and his, I'd like to say, friends (?) is an intense, supernatural, action series. However, the Ben and Co. novels are more like spy thrillers that deal with stuff like psychic powers and non-humans. Benjamin Tao, a child genius, master martial artist, and human turned awesome Chinese dragon from becoming someone's human experiment reluctantly faces devious villains and criminals who threatens the peace of the world for their own greed and madness alongside an assassin's katana-sword wielding daughter, an actual American teen spy, and psychics with powers of levitation, conjuring fire and lightning.

I had originally planned it to be a two-book series, but couldn't help but have ideas for their next adventure pop into my head, causing the series to go longer than planned. Now, however, I have a clear picture on how the series will end. The current work I've started on will be a step to it. It won't entirely end the series, but it could be a marker for the end of Benjamin's adventures. After I'm done with that, I'm thinking of making a story compilation novel of the characters' daily lives that take place at various points in time between the main adventures across the series. As for the concluding novel for the whole series, I'll say nothing. Don't want to give too many spoilers, after all.

It'll still be some time before I get to these plans. But in the meantime, please enjoy all my other works, which you can find clicking HERE.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Long Time No See

Wow, it has been a really, really long time since I've last posted a blog. I've just been so lazy about it that I ended up forgetting about it for a while, LOL. Perhaps I should rename this blog site "A Lazy Writer's Blog" or something.

A lot's happened over this span of one year and three months. Since my last post, I've published a new book (Finally!)  and am working on two stories simultaneously on my Hubpages blog. I've also changed full-time jobs (Yay, me!), and have gotten a surprisingly larger amount of free time to write my stories.

Speaking of writing stories, there's something that I've been thinking about for a bit. As I mentioned before, I have a blog on It's where I post all the chapters of the stories I write before putting them all together into a book to publish on Amazon. Now, I'm grateful for my experience with Hubpages, because it gave me an actual audience, which I feel spurred my writing into a more positive direction, especially in terms of skill. I still feel like my writing has flaws in plot, actual writing style, and so forth, but it's a stark improvement from my early days in writing.

However, times are changing. I haven't engaged in the community as much as I used to. And because of that, I'm sure viewership of my blog as dipped, along with comments that I receive from readers. Now this decrease in engagement and the results of that decrease are no one else's fault but my own. But I had come to a decision. Once I have completed my current projects, at least the two I am focused on, I will be quitting Hubpages entirely. That is still weeks away, considering where I am at with those projects, but it will happen.

I've already tweeted about this plan through my Twitter account but I thought that a more elaborate announcement and explanation was in order.

As for my blog here, although I have done even less with this than with Hubpages, I have no plans of ceasing engagement here. I don't know what I'll do with it in the future. Chances are, I will continue to neglect it in the days to come. But this blog serves as my official website as an author, a crucial tool for someone of my "career" in this day and age. I used quotation marks for the word "career" because, of course, I still have a full-time day job, and writing novels has always been more of a hobby rather than a means of income. I can't even claim to have much passion, although I enjoy writing, creating new worlds, people, and the adventures they'll have immensely.

That is all I have to say this time around. I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving Day and happy reading!