
Friday, July 26, 2019

Poem: Coward

Another day, another poem. I hope you all enjoy!


Never can I erase this Anxiety
Anger flares each and everyday
I dread coming days
Events that bring me Stress
Events that could turn my Fate
Better or Worse

They approach ever slowly
But surely They approach
There is no delaying it
There is no stalling it
There is no diverting it

Yet I pray that It is delayed
Yet I pray that It is stalled
I can only hope It be diverted

These are things I want not face
These are things I want not endure
For weak, I am
For Cowardly, I am
Thus is Me

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Poem: Misfortune Dost Follow

Misfortune dost follow!
It dost follow everywhere, everywhen!
I do not welcome it.
I reject each and every Misfortune
With all my Heart and Soul.

It matters not how little.
I will reject it.
I pray not to experience it.
Prayers that are almost never answered.

Woe is me who must face this tragedy.
Woe is me that precious time is taken.
So I selfishly lament.

A Shadow looms before me.
A Time has been appointed.
To that Shadow, I walk.

No matter how much I delude on my Luck
It draws ever closer.
I fear it.
I dread it.
But that matters not.

I have been Summoned.
A Call I must answer.
Unnecessary is what I want to be.
But my Summons remains unrescinded.

Hate I feel to the Foe
I am called to oppose.
Grief he has caused I.
To him, I will make pay.
That is my only solace
For all this inconvenience.

I am no hero.
Grandeur, I do not seek.
Modestly, I walk.
Meekly, I creep.

I reject the path of Villains
But so too, do I reject the path of Heroes.
For I am but a lowly, selfish and normal Human.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Quest for the Witch


I've done it! It has taken me close to three years, but I finally completed and released my latest fantasy novel, Quest for the Witch on Amazon! It and its paperback version are both live! Well, they have been for some time now. But I've only found the time to blog about it right now, close to midnight on July 18, 2019.

Firstly, here's a bit of history about my latest novel, a behind the scenes look, if you will:

It all started when I was just a beginner member of a blog site called Back then, I was still uncertain about a few things, like what would be good content to post there. That was when I decided to put my stories out for an actual audience to read and critique, the very first of which was my story that I tentatively titled "Quest for the Witch".

Despite it being my very first story project on Hubpages, I ended up putting it aside for other works, like the reboot of my Paladin Academy series, and started new series like the Ben and Co. novels. It was only lately that I found time and determination to get that novel done as soon as possible. Ironically, the story "Quest for the Witch" was only completed AFTER I had decided to quit Hubpages permanently. And in the course of doing that, I ended up coming up with a possible sequel to the story, which I'll get started soon, adding to my already huge workload of stories I want to put into paper (figuratively, since I use a computer for this stuff now).

Now, have a peek at the cover I've chosen for my book, made with a little help from Amazon's book cover making program, and my own artistic talent:

Nice, right? If not, please put it to me gently.

Next up, the summary of the book! What is it about? Well, in a nutshell, it's about a girl named Alexandra, who's the apprentice to an old, shapeshifting witch. She had been trapped in the witch's tower for all her life, got fed up and tried to escape with the help of a friend from the nearby village. The plan ultimately fails when the witch catches them, but then decides that if Alexandra really wanted to leave that badly, she could go, for a price. And that price, is to take the witch's name and go on a quest for her. So, Alexandra, going by the witch's name, Gwendolyn the Eternal Witch, must travel across the land, passing through different towns, meeting new people, and making new friends. But it's not all fun and games, for the land has been ravaged by a natural disaster called Dark Magic, which infests places, bringing about random, horrible effects. And, of course, Alexandra will have to deal with them all.

Pretty exciting, right?

You can find the books by searching my name and the title of the book on Amazon. Or, you could just click this direct link to the eBook:

Link: HERE

I also have the paperback out, which you can find here:

Link: HERE

Finally, you can look up other works I've published on Amazon by clicking the link down below.

I hope you've all had a great Summer, and have a great Autumn!

Happy reading, y'all!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Fourth of July, Plus Some Plans For the Future

Hey, everyone!

Happy Fourth of July! 2019! Wow, time sure flies by so fast. It's already been over half a year. I hope everyone's having a good time. I know I am, just chilling on my day off and all that.

I'm still brushing up my latest complete novel. I do that every couple of minutes, watching TV in between as a sort of break. Or working on my other novel.

Now on to my plans. As you all probably can tell, I'm someone who writes on impulse. It can be a bit of a struggle for me to stick to one project all the time. I've currently got a few stories in the works, that I've done side by side, with more focus on whatever sticks with me at the time, depending on my mood. I've added a few things to the sequel to a horror/supernatural action novel that I published a couple of years ago. I'm not sure how that's turning out, though I get a bummer feeling while working on it. I hope to get that done with as soon as possible. But now I've been getting an itch to start on the sequel to the latest novel that I just completed. I don't think I can put it off for long, which will just push all my other projects in the back burner. As I had always thought, fantasy with a bit of comedy is just my kind of story. Though action-packed is seem to be what I tend to go for as well.

Anyway, that's all I have to report right now.

Again, Happy Fourth of July! And happy reading, everyone!