Sunday, August 25, 2024

CSC V3 Ch. 1



I, Hisao Oota, stood clad in black protective gear, holding a bamboo sword in front of me firmly with my two hands. Standing opposite of me was a taller figure in matching gear. My opponent was Watanabe, vice-captain of the Kendo Club. We stood several feet apart, eyes locked through our helmets. Over our heads were sounds of clashing wood and battle cries from our peers.

"Yah!" With my own battle cry, I lunged at Watanabe and our swords met with a sharp clack.

But despite the way it looks, me standing in an arena, dressed in armor and sparring with a leading member of the Kendo Club in a building commandeered by said club, I was not a member myself. I'm a member of the Community Service Club.

Megugami High's Community Service Club, as the name suggested, was a club where its members did community service related stuff. Me and my clubmates did volunteer work like picking up trash at the park, reading picture books to little kids at the local library, or helping out our school's other clubs when they're shorthanded like the Kendo Club was right now.

That said, I have absolutely no idea why Mirai, the Community Service Club's president keeps sending me of all people to the Kendo Club. This is nothing to be proud of, but I am terrible at sports. Well, not exactly terrible at them. But I definitely wasn't good at them either.

Pow! After receiving my attack, Watanabe pushed me back. A split second after our swords detached from each other, Watanabe's sword smacked against my torso with a side swipe.

An exasperated sigh escaped from Watanabe and he pulled off his helmet to show me his frowning face.

"Come on, Oota," he said, calling me by my family name. "At least try to put up a fight. You've practiced with us for almost a year now but you've barely improved at all!"

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think, Watanabe?" 

We turned to see the president and captain of the Kendo Club walking up to us.

"I'd say Oota's improved a bit since he started out," he said. "He's putting up a better fight against the newbies now."

Watanabe pointed out, "That's only with one newbie, and that newbie never held a sword in his life before he joined last month. And that's not good enough. If we want to get to the nationals, we need to practice with people who can actually make us sweat. Especially at an important time like now. I don't know why Mirai keeps sending us this weakling."

"Well, it's not like we're the only ones who ask the CSC for help," said the captain, using the short name for the Community Service Club in English.

"Still, I think any of the other members are a better fit to help us out than Oota, don't you think?" said Watanabe.

The captain shrugged and said, "No choice. We'll just have to make the most with what we get."

I said nothing and just listened to the two talk about me as if I wasn't there.

But then the captain turned and called out, "Oi, Miyamura! Sakamoto!"

Two kendoists paused their duel and one replied, "Yeah, Captain?"

The captain said, "Switch out. Miyamura, you're with Watanabe. Sakamoto, go with Oota."

Honestly, I was a little offended, but there was nothing I could really say to my defense. Besides, I had already gotten used to it.

After my time with the Kendo Club was done, I cleaned up, got changed and then headed to the clubroom where I planned to just chill with some smartphone games until it was time to go home. I was walking down the hall when I heard a loud noise up ahead.


A guy had tripped over a bookbag left lying on the floor. Around him, some students giggled.

One of the guys laughing said, "Sorry, man. You okay?"

He might not have meant to, but he sounded a little bit mocking. The guy who had tripped certainly thought so. And probably because of that, there was a misunderstanding that snowballed in the worst possible way.

The guy who tripped glared at the guy who laughed and then accusingly screamed, "You did that on purpose!"

The guy who laughed, scoffed and said, "No, I didn't. But leave it to a Yamimura to make false accusations."

I thought it was just an accident and the guy who tripped was jumping to conclusions too. But the guy who laughed definitely could have handled things better.

Unsurprisingly, the guy who tripped, called a Yamimura, yelled, "You calling me a liar, Soushu scumbag?"

The guy who laughed, a Soushu, fired back, "You see any other lowlife Yamimuras around here?"

No one was laughing anymore and for good reason. We could all see where this was going.

The Yamimura lunged and lunged at the Soushu and grabbed the Soushu by the front of his shirt. I spotted electricity crackling around the Yamimura's free hand as his fingers balled into a fist.

Seriously!? I thought. Right here in public!?

I wasn't really surprised to see a human generate his own electricity like a Pokemon. Truth is this town is full of people with some kind of superpower. Hell, everyone in the Community Service Club had a superpower, me included. But that didn't mean it was okay to just whip our powers out in the open. Superpowers are supposed to be a secret to the rest of the world after all. Not to mention really dangerous to use in public places. Someone will definitely get hurt if nothing was done. 

Sadly, sights like this has become very common lately. Fights were always breaking out either on the streets or here at school. It stemmed from a political rivalry between three families and their supporters, the Yamimuras, the Soushus and the Shirogamis. The conflict between the Yamimuras and the Soushus was especially heated and spread down to the kids who barely had anything to do with the politics other than whose family is with who.

Those three families, by the way, are all superpower users.

It looked like things were about to take a dangerous turn if nothing was done, so I rushed back down the hall and hid behind a turn where I prepared to deploy my own superpower, a nifty kinetic type power called Psychokinesis. With this power, I can control psychic energy however I wanted. Like, for example, before things really got dicey, I was going to make a wall between the Yamimura and Soushu and separate them.

By the way, superpowers, or psychic powers, could be separated into two broad types: Kinetic and Sensory. Kinetic powers are powers that are physical, like moving stuff around with your mind, shooting lightning out of your fingers or (in my case) make a force field. Sensory powers are more about sensing things like seeing things most people can't, reading people's mind or seeing the future. Traditional psychic powers, basically.

I was just about to make the wall spring up between the two boys. But suddenly, we were all interrupted by an angry shout that made everyone jump out of their skins.


I turned to see a middle-aged man wearing a black necktie marching through the hall while wearing an angry scowl in his face. He was followed by another man in a sports jersey who joined him in separating and detaining the out-of-control students.

With the teachers showing up, everyone quickly dispersed. The Yamimura and Soushu followers weren't so lucky and were quickly caught before they could get away. As the ones who started the commotion, they were sure to get an earful from their parents later.

Confident that the teachers had everything under control, I decided to book it and find another route to the clubroom. It took longer and further than I would have liked, but eventually I made it to what was pretty much like my own personal sanctuary.

Like any other clubroom, the CSC's room was small, box-shaped with six classroom desks clustered together for a round table conference. One back corner of the room was occupied by a white board, pushed aside to allow natural lighting from the windows. Low shelf cubbies took up a whole side of the room, atop of which a huge mascot elephant head laid staring blankly back at me with soulless, plastic eyes.

"You're the only one here, Yuna?" I asked the girl sitting on the left side in her lonesome. She's my cousin and around the same age as me.

Yuna looked up from her phone and nodded. She quickly typed a short sentence which was then read by a female robot voice.

"I heard yelling."

Because of an accident a few years back, Yuna lost both her mother and her voice. After being released from the hospital, she's been living with me and my family.

"Oh, it's nothing," I assured her. "It's just the Yamimuras and the Soushus going at it, AGAIN. The teachers already took care of it."

Yuna rolled her eyes and made a face that said, "Ugh!" And then she said through her phone's app, "I feel sorry for Yamimura and Soushu."

The Yamimura and Soushu she was talking about were the actual children of the Yamimura and Soushu families. Discord between their two families aside, it seemed like both Yamimura of Yamimura from Yamimura and Soushu were trying to reign in the chaos. More often than not, whenever trouble brewed between the two groups, they're the ones trying to stop the fighting.

That said, they were as antagonistic to each other as their gangs were and probably avoided each other on purpose.

Suddenly, Yuna turned to the door.

"The others are almost here," she said.

It wasn't that she got a text from them or anything. Like I said, everyone in the club's got a special power. Yuna's is a sensory type that lets her pinpoint where a person is. She's basically a human sonar and GPS tracker.

And no sooner did she announce the others' approach, the door flew open and in burst a guy a year older than us who laughed maniacally and said, "Mwa ha ha! Rejoice, servants! Your Demon Lord has returned!"

That was Mirai, the president and founder of the Community Service Club. And as you could see, he can be a bit dramatic. Well, VERY dramatic. 

He was followed closely behind by two girls. 

The shorter girl with the straight bobbed hairstyle was Isaneko. She looks and acts all prim and proper most of the time, but don't let that fool you. Beneath that act, she was a wicked and mean trickster who reveled at others' misfortune. Misfortune that she sometimes caused herself.

With a smile, she looked at me and asked, "Is something the matter, Oota? It looked like you had something to say about me."

A chill ran down my spine and I quickly stammered, "N-no! Not at all!" 

I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd think Isaneko was a mind-reader, which she is not. As far as I knew, the only power she had was telekinesis, the ability to move things with her mind.

Behind Isaneko, the tough-looking taller girl shivered too. She's Omoyo, another member of the Community Service Club. With her power to sense the emotions of others, she must have picked up on Isaneko's wicked nature surfacing.

Isaneko looked at me with her nose turned up and went, "Hmmm? Well, whatever."

She shrugged her shoulders and then walked over to the head table. The chair slid out on its own as if pulled by an invisible ghost, and she sat down.

The head table, by the way, was usually where the leader sat. In other words, it was Mirai's seat.

Mirai, however, didn't seem to mind and took over the desk at the right. He remained standing and waited until everyone else sat down.

Once we were seated, he slammed his hands down on the table and said, "Alright, my four Demon Generals. Let me hear your status reports."

Our club meetings are usually very brief. We let each other know what happened with our volunteer work, listen to any announcements Mirai has, and then, if there's nothing else to talk about, we do our own thing for the rest of the afternoon. You already know how I was going to spend that time. If I got no homework, I just streamed TV shows or played games on my smartphone all the way until the end of the day.

That was my daily life in a nutshell. I go to school, sometimes help out other clubs, do homework and then watch videos or play games in my free time. Pretty normal, boring stuff apart from, you know, the superpower thing. And the local political turmoil.

When it was time to go home, we all packed up our stuff and headed out together. The world was bathed in yellow afternoon light by the time we got out of the building.

We were all headed the same way as the sun sank down into the horizon, taking the same twists and turns we've taken almost every day. I could hear scattered chattering from our surrounding peers. But that eventually faded the further down the road we went, until there was just the occasional bird song and the rustling of leaves against the wind from nearby trees. It was almost as if the Community Service Club members were the only humans left in the world. 

Truly, just another peaceful, ordinary day. Well, mostly anyway.

But then something happened to shatter that peace. And it started when Omoyo suddenly screamed and stumbled as if someone had hit her in the head.


Mirai rushed over to her in alarm and cried out, "What's wrong? Keep it together, Homura!"

He reached out a helping hand, but Omoyo refused it.

"Forget about me!" she shouted. "Someone's in trouble. I think they're being attacked!"

                                                                                                             Chapter 2 ==>

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tenth Anniversary: Ben and Co. Series

 Hey, Everyone!

First things first, I'm back! Home after two weeks vacation overseas. And I got inspiration for a new story. I don't know when I'll get to it, but maybe soon. But like I said in my last post, there'll be more stories out by August 25th. Just need to get the latest chapter ready.

Now on to the main topic: TENTH ANNIVERSARY!

That's right, the 29th of August, 2024 makes exactly TEN YEARS since I published the first book of the Ben and Co. Series.

For those of you that don't know, the Ben and Co. Series is a blend of scifi, fantasy, supernatural and teen spy thriller. It follows the adventures of a group of teens that get mixed up in the plots of secret organizations involved with a whole bunch of supernatural elements. At the center is Benjamin Tao, a boy genius who got turned into a dragon by a science experiment of one of those organizations.

Seems like a lot, I know. But all in all, it is an action-packed thrill ride.

To celebrate this milestone of one of my proudest creations, I will be making the eBook version of that historical first book FREE! Because what better way to celebrate than with free stuff?

So mark your calendars, folks. On August 29, 2024, all the way to September 2, 2024, Paranormal, Book One of the Ben and Co. Series will be free on Amazon Kindle. You don't need to actually own a Kindle, just an Amazon account and the Kindle app, or read on a web browser at

*Whisper* Trust me, I do that all the time. *Whisper*

I hope you enjoy the book, and I jope you will enjoy the other books in the series.

That's all I got to say for now except that although I had fun on my trip, it is great to be home.

Happy reading, everyone!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

On Vacation 2024


But you can still enjoy any of these old stories below and more while you pass the time.

The Vampire's Coffee Shop

The Mysteries of the Community Service Club

The Magical Trials of Lily Wong

Or check out all my other books on Amazon

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Lily Wong Ch. 24

Chapter 24

The Computer Genius and the Phantom

"I think this should be the place," said Lily. She glanced down at her phone and then back up at the door with her gaze focused on the room number. "Yep, this is it."

She and Viv were there to meet a new client of Lady Sapphire's.

It all started this weekend morning. Lily and the others were in the training room next to the Sapphire Society's secret chamber practicing some magic spells when Oliver suddenly got an alert on his phone from the mysterious hacker, asking for Lady Sapphire to meet a certain girl at her dorm room. All the message would say was that it was an emergency. But since it was asking for Lady Sapphire's help, then it could only mean that the Schemer was at it again with more magical mischief and this girl was his latest victim.

Viv looked right and left, and said, "Okay. The coast's clear. Go ahead."

Lily rolled back her sleeve to expose her blue bracelet. She opened her mouth to speak to it, but then hesitated and whined to Viv, "Do I really have to do this?"

"Hey, you're the one who kept complaining how people keep finding out your secret identity," Viv pointed out.

"Yeah, but at this point, the Schemer probably already knows who I am," said Lily.

"Did you forget what Mr. Lin said about how Lady Sapphire would get in trouble for breaking the rules if she got caught? Not to mention, I thought you hate getting attention. I don't think I have to tell you that the more people who know you're Lady Sapphire, the more attention you're going to get."

"Ugh! Fine!" Lily groaned. "I'll do it."

The thing they were talking about, by the way, was Lily putting on a costume to disguise herself. Viv was the first to suggest it and everyone else was on board with the idea. Everyone, that was, except for Lily.

She prepared to give the bracelet the command. But then Viv suddenly cut in and added, "Oh! You should do a pose and shout out a catchphrase like those magical girls do in the cartoons before they transform into their superhero alter egos."

Lily threw her roommate a scornful glare.

"Sorry! Sorry! Just thought it'd be fun."

"Well, it's not fun for me!" Lily snapped. After giving Viv one more dirty look, she turned her gaze to the bracelet and then gave the command. "Get me a costume to hide my identity."

The bracelet answered with a flash of blue light. And then the next thing Lily knew, she was wearing a wide-brimmed pointed hat on her head, a long, flowing cape around her shoulders, and a sparkly domino mask over her eyes. There was a whole blue theme going around to match her superhero name, "Lady Sapphire".

"Well?" she asked. "How do I look?"

Viv flashed a thumbs up and said, "Great! I'm honestly jealous you get to dress up."

"Really? Let me see."

Lily had the bracelet conjure a large stand mirror and took a moment to admire her own reflection. She grabbed the sides of her cape and swished it right and left, before twirling in front of her own image. And then, when she was done, she had this to say:

"This is so embarrassing! I just want to go home already!"

"Come on, Lily! It's not that bad," said Viv. "Anyway, we're here already, so we may as well just get it over with. Besides, it sounds like from the hacker's message that this girl could really use some help."

After being reminded why they had come to this part of the girl's dormitory, Lily sighed and then asked the bracelet to make the mirror disappear before turning to face the door again. She knocked on it twice and then stepped back while keeping a wary eye on her surroundings in case anyone else showed up.

The door was quickly opened by a girl with light ebony skin and frizzy, black hair tied into a single braid behind her head. Over her school uniform, she wore a tattered white lab coat.

Before Lily had the chance to speak, the girl grabbed both her and Viv by their wrists and pulled them inside, instantly slamming the door shut after and bolted it. 

After stumbling to the middle of the room, Lily took a look around. The first thing that caught her attention was a long work desk at the side of the room with lots of different kinds of small machine parts strewn all over. The wall above the table had lots of framed certificates and news articles with pictures of the girl holding up trophies or ribbons while wearing a big smile on her face. One of the news articles was about a homemade drone. There was also another table beneath the curtain-drawn window bearing a trio of laptop computers that all currently were on lock screens. One more laptop laid on top of the mattress of a single four-poster bed that took up the other side of the room.

"It's about time you got here," the room's owner said. 

Raising an eyebrow, Lily said, "You were expecting us?"

Shrugging her shoulders, the girl replied meekly, "Yeah, well, I figured you'd show up soon to help me out. That's what superheroes do, right?"

I'm not even a superhero though, Lily thought. She kept it to herself and said, "I guess this means you already know who I am and what I'm here for."

She threw her cape back and announced, "I am Lady Sapphire. This right here is Viv, my . . ."

"Don't say it," Viv said. "Don't say sidekick."

" . . . helper."

Viv grumbled, "That's not any better."

"Ahem! Anyway," Lily said, "what's your name?"

"Tanja McDaniels," said the girl. "That's Tanja with a J, by the way. I'm thirteen years old and, as you can probably guess from all the mess in my room, I'm in the robotics club. I'm pretty good at building machines, but my main job is computer programming."

That explains all those laptops, Lily thought.

"Anyway, Miss McDaniels -"

"Tanja's fine," Tanja cut in. "Just call me that."

"Okay, Tanja," said Lily. "Well, we all know that you're in some sort of trouble, but do you mind giving us the details about what's bothering you and how it happened?"

"Sure, no problem," said Tanja. "It's a bit of a long story, so take a seat anywhere."

Both Lily and Viv took a chair while Tanja sat on her bed. Once everyone was comfortable, Tanja began her story.

"It all started last night at the Castle. I was there on some business and was passing through the first floor corridor of the north wing when I heard an eerie moan. I looked around, but there was no on nearby. But then I realized that the moan came from one of the nearby storage rooms. And it was a pretty famous storage room.

"You see, that storage room used to be the matron's quarters, until the 1910s when the matron of that time met an unfortunate accident that ended like this."

Tanja drew her finger across her neck. Lily knew what that meant and felt a shiver go down her spine. She was not liking where this story was going.

"Ever since, they say that her spirit haunts the room, angry and resentful of her untimely demise, seeking to make others suffer the same fate as her and join her on the Other Side.

"I didn't believe the stories and thought that maybe there was someone inside that needed help. So, I opened the door a little bit and peeked inside. But there was no one there, just boxes holding whatever was being stored there. Slowly, I opened the door wider and then took a step inside, calling out, 'Hello? Is anyone there?' 

"There was no answer back.

"So I walked further into the storage room, took a brief look around and then chalked up everything I heard as my own imagination. But just as I was about to leave, I noticed something glowing out of the corner of my eye and turned. At the right side of the room, there was a lady wearing a white apron over a black dress. I couldn't see her face because she had long, wavy hair draped over it.

"Startled, I jumped back and nearly tripped over a box. But I quickly recovered and asked the lady if she was alright.

"Slowly, her hands reached up and drew her hair back to the sides. And what I saw, looking back at me was a pair of pitch-black empty sockets. Her face was all just bone and teeth!

"That really freaked me out and I opened my mouth to scream. But no sound came out. It was as if that skeleton lady erased my voice when she wagged her bony finger at me. But that was not all. I couldn't scream and I couldn't move. I was helpless as the lady just glided toward me, like literally flew, until her skull face was right in front of me. And she whispered in a deep, raspy voice, 'Tomorrow, you will be mine.'

"And then, with a cackle, she disappeared, just faded away like mist or smoke blown away."

When Tanja was done with her story, the room fell silent for a moment before being broken by Lily.

"So let me get this straight," she said. "You went into a famously haunted storage room and ran into the rumored ghost there who promised to come get you tomorrow, which is today."

"Yeah, pretty much," Tanja said, nodding her head.

Lily turned to Viv and whispered, "I don't like this one bit."

"Oh, it can't be that bad," Viv whispered back. "It's probably just another one of the Schemer's toys made to look like a scary ghost. It's not like it can actually go through walls and vacuum out people's souls."

"Uh, guys?" Tanja cut in. 

Lily and Viv glanced at Tanja who pointed at the wall behind them. Her hand was shaking and her face was twisted in a look of pure, open-mouthed terror. Lily felt a gust of icy wind and noticed that the room had suddenly gotten very dark. Like nighttime dark.

I got a bad feeling about this, she thought. But reluctantly, she turned around and found herself face to face with a lady's skull.

The skeleton lady towered over the girls from high near the ceiling as she slowly emerged out of the wall. Her jaw dropped and out came a loud raspy scream that got the girls jump, hug each other and scream too.

"It's the ghost of the matron!" Tanja shrieked. "She's here!"

Pointing a bony finger at her, the ghost of the matron screeched, "As promised, Child! I have come for you!"

Tanja shrank back from the finger in fright, tripped and fell onto her bed. She raised her hands to protect herself as the skeleton lady swooped down to grab her.

Seeing Tanja in trouble, Lily jumped in without thinking and raised her hands up. Blue light flashed from the bracelet and created a wall in front of the heroic girl. The skeleton lady bumped headfirst against the wall of light and bounced away. 

Lily seized her chance, grabbed Tanja by the hand and then with her free one threw a bolt of magic that blew the door off its hinges.

"Come on!" she shouted to the other girls. "We need to go now!"

Towing Tanja along, Lilly ran out of the room with Viv following closely behind. They rushed down the hallway and headed straight for the elevators.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Lily frantically jabbed her thumb on the down button over and over, and over again. But each time she looked up at the display over the elevator doors, she could see the floor numbers remained unchanged and she swore. "Why won't you move?"

And then Viv spoke up. "Hey, Lily?"

"What?" Lily snapped. She was overcome with frustration and impatience.

"Don't you think this place is a bit weird?"

"Now that you mention it," Tanja said looking right and left, "it's too quiet here. You'd think an explosion that blew a door to bits would've at least started a panic. Where are all the people?"

"That's not all," said Viv. "Were the walls and ceiling always blue?"

"Blue?" With a sense of dread, Lily looked around and color quickly drained from her face. It wasn't just the walls that were blue. Viv and Tanja were also blue from the light cast over them. "Oh no. We're in the Blue World!"

"That is correct!" shouted a shrill, gravelly voice. 

The ghostly skeleton lady appeared hovering close to the ceiling at the entryway to the elevator hall. Her white gossamer hair wildly swayed about as if she were under water.

"In this realm, there is no one," she hoarsely hissed. "And no one can enter except by the Schemer's own choosing."

Lily gave the ghost a look and then grabbed Viv's hand while turning to run. But suddenly, a big ghostly tiger appeared rising from the floor and roared up close to Lily's face.

"Eek!" Startled, Lily shrieked and jumped back, involuntarily letting go of the other girls' hands. 

That was when the skeleton lady swooped in and scooped Tanja in her arms. She flew over the tiger and stopped at the end of the hall before turning to taunt Lily.

"Nice try, child!" the skeleton lady cackled. "But the girl is mine now. If you want her back, find me! And take my challenge."

Tanja reached out her hand and cried, "Lily! Help!"

Lily moved to go grab it, but flinched when the tiger roared again.

As the skeleton lady cackled, a strong gust of wind blew into the hallway and stung Lily's eyes. She looked away for just a brief moment. But when she turned around again, she found herself back in Tanja's dorm room along with Viv. Everything was back to normal, no blue light everywhere. And the door that should have been blown to smithereens was intact. However, the tiger, the ghost lady and more importantly, Tanja were all gone.

<== Chapter 23                                                                              Chapter 25 ==>