
Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Hey, everyone!

I hope you've all had a good August so far. Me? It's going so-so. I've been making good headway of one of my current novels. Speaking of which, I thought I'd take the time to let you all know what I'm planning for it.

As I think I mentioned in an earlier blog, I'm working on the sequel to Quest for the Witch. Quest for the Witch, if you don't already know, follows the adventures of a witch's apprentice, who has to go on a quest across the country, and end up helping out others with their serious magical problems along the way. The way I made that novel, it was like a couple of episodic adventures, or mini-story arcs piled up into one novel. I planned to do the same for the sequel, but because of the way the first story arc's going right now, I'm instead going to divide the novel into parts and publish those parts separately. It was a strategy I thought about using for a while now, so the sequel to Quest for the Witch is a good opportunity for me.

I'm already close to finishing up Part One of my new novel Journey With A Witch. Just a few more chapters to go. And then I'll have it published on Amazon Kindle. For the individual parts, I might just stick to solely eBooks, and then when it comes time to compile them all into one volume, then I'll have the story published in paperback.

So about Journey With A Witch, like I mentioned earlier, it's about a bunch of kids who wound up in the world of Quest for the Witch and must travel with a witch they meet in order to find a way home. They'll experience tons of adventures along the way and may even end up saving a town or two. I hope you look forward to them.

I'm also planning to make each of the eBook versions of the parts free for a week at or around the time they're published. So yay to you guys who can enjoy my novel without actually paying for it.

Well, that's all I got to say this time around.  See you next time!

Happy reading!

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