
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Poem: Red

Hey, it's been a while since I last blogged, so I thought I'd take the time to share with you another poem I wrote a long time ago. Presenting: "Red"

Heart aflutter
Feelings rise, rushing to my head
Red all around
But not the Red of Love

Tensions tear at my being
My thoughts clouded
As volume speakers reach new heights

Red Rage blaze
Blood pumps fast
Muscles clench to implosion
The suspense holds strong

And my judgement does blur

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Poem: Demons' Night

Night as once a year
Comes and beckons
For Winds to wail
For wolves to howl
And for spirits to roar

Dead branches sway as Shadows rise
It is time
The time of the Demons

Let the dead take back their broken vessels
Hungry and wild, like beasts
Let man's sanity fall with a thirst for blood
As remembered of ancient tyrants

Red Eyes light the darkness
No comfort do they bring
Foolish travelers be lured to their doom
To join the Red Eyes

Laugh, they do at the world's misery
Rejoice, they do to the world's fall
And eagerly they commit, crimes for which there is no redemption

So hide, ye of pure and good
Lock yourselves away in thy homes
Leave not a child outside
Or do, if thou art demonic
And join the ranks of the Night
Of Monsters, Wickedness and Evil

For only those are welcome, who scoff at peace
Who see love disgusting
Who laugh and mock those who preach justice

Now let the Feast of Fear begin!
Let the Drink of Tears start!
Let a Red River run
Fires be snuffed out
No Warmth to be found

Quiver! Shake! Tremble!
There will be no Laughter tonight
Only Whimpers from the Children of Light
For this is the Demons' Night

Happy November, Everyone

Hey all my followers and fans. It's me, Victor, the lazy writer.

How're you all doing? Hope you all had a nice Halloween. Mine was . . . uneventful, like any other day. If you follow me on Twitter, you know how I spent my Halloween, at home, watching people hunt ghosts on reality TV. I also did a little writing and fixing on one of the novels I'm working on.

I had thought about putting out a new poem, but that idea ended up slipping from my mind at the last minute. I might still post something spooky soon, even if it's a little late to the season. Maybe I'll even get started on it after I'm done with this post.

Speaking of novels, October really wasn't my month. Well, a lot of months really weren't my month as a writer. Checking on my records just keeps reminding me to never quit my day job.

Anyway, I'm getting closer and closer to finishing my current novels. My pace is slowing down a bit though. It's been getting harder and harder lately for me to put what I imagine into words, even though there are so many other worlds I want to give shape with them. I keep telling myself to write as my heart desired, but that remains easier said than done. As the saying goes, old habits die hard.

Well, my personal and work life have also taken a lot of my time write now, so there's that.

Hopefully, my fingers will start flying over the keyboard soon, but in the meantime, I've been thinking about what to do in the future. Maybe start a new blog and release a new original story there, just keep things the way they are for now, or try something like Patreon. I'm not sure how that last one would work, or if I'll actually do it. All of these are just ideas I'm floating around right now, after all.

And that's all for this entry.

Happy reading, everyone!