
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Happy November, Everyone

Hey all my followers and fans. It's me, Victor, the lazy writer.

How're you all doing? Hope you all had a nice Halloween. Mine was . . . uneventful, like any other day. If you follow me on Twitter, you know how I spent my Halloween, at home, watching people hunt ghosts on reality TV. I also did a little writing and fixing on one of the novels I'm working on.

I had thought about putting out a new poem, but that idea ended up slipping from my mind at the last minute. I might still post something spooky soon, even if it's a little late to the season. Maybe I'll even get started on it after I'm done with this post.

Speaking of novels, October really wasn't my month. Well, a lot of months really weren't my month as a writer. Checking on my records just keeps reminding me to never quit my day job.

Anyway, I'm getting closer and closer to finishing my current novels. My pace is slowing down a bit though. It's been getting harder and harder lately for me to put what I imagine into words, even though there are so many other worlds I want to give shape with them. I keep telling myself to write as my heart desired, but that remains easier said than done. As the saying goes, old habits die hard.

Well, my personal and work life have also taken a lot of my time write now, so there's that.

Hopefully, my fingers will start flying over the keyboard soon, but in the meantime, I've been thinking about what to do in the future. Maybe start a new blog and release a new original story there, just keep things the way they are for now, or try something like Patreon. I'm not sure how that last one would work, or if I'll actually do it. All of these are just ideas I'm floating around right now, after all.

And that's all for this entry.

Happy reading, everyone!

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