
Monday, February 17, 2020

Belated Valentine's Greeting

Hey, everyone.

I know it's a bit late already, but happy Valentine's Day! I hope you've all had a great one. As for me, it was business as usual with my day job and my writing, and me just lazing around while being a nerd. I read a lot, watch TV a lot, and play games a lot, after all.

Anyway, I've finished brushing up on one of my novels. But if you've been following me on Twitter, then you know that I've been having trouble with the cover art. I used to do them on my computer using "Paint", but with the mouse all junk, that's set the novel's release way behind. And I have a few more novels coming on their way. I'll have to get to their cover arts eventually too.

I've not been making a lot of progress lately on the other stories I'm writing, mostly because my free time's been getting shorter and shorter lately, and as a result of being tired from that, what little free time I do have is spent on other things. Hopefully, I'll get a few more novels finished before the end of this year and published. There's no telling what the future holds, though. 2020 could become my most productive year, or become my least productive year. Here's hoping it becomes the former.

Well, that's all I've got to say. Again, I hope you've all had a great Valentine's Day with your loved ones. And I hope you all have a great Presidents Day too!

Happy reading!

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