
Saturday, March 14, 2020

EXCERPT: Timely Magic

Hey everyone!

So, this is probably really late in the game, but I've decided to give you all a sneak peek into my latest work, Timely Magic!

I know. I know. You're all probably thinking , "You should have posted this BEFORE the free sale promo!" But with everything going on in my life and the world lately, it just completely slipped my mind. The free eBook sale's already over, but oh well.

Now, presenting a brief glimpse into the latest magical adventure of Veronica, Sarah, Ezekiel and Maxwell. Enjoy.


"The . . . Visitor?" Maxwell repeated. "What the heck's with that sort of name? You read too many comic books."

"Oh, like you're one to talk, Maxwell Beckman," the masked girl snapped back. "Or should I call you Prince Maximillion?"

Maxwell stopped laughing and gaped at her.

"H-how did you know my name?" he demanded. "And my real name too?"

"I know all your names," the Visitor said. She crossed her arms and stood proudly before the trio. "I know that you're Sarah Wu, younger sister of the famed Silver Wolf Mystic, and I know you're Veronica Waldenburg. And the guy dancing around like an idiot out there's Ezekiel von Ghoul. I'm glad to see someone enjoying my little prank, at least."

Veronica and Sarah both perked up.

"Your little prank?" Sarah said. She quickly stepped between Veronica and the mysterious girl and held one hand towards the Visitor at ready to fight. "You're the one who brought Kaylee here? Who are you? Really?"

Veronica could sense rising tension in Sarah as well as see a reddish glow around her friend's shoulders. There was an aggressive edge to the older girl's voice as she spoke.

The Visitor, however, seemed unimpressed with Sarah's threatening attitude and regarded her with her nose upturned and replied: "That's right. I'm the one who brought that super cute baby here at the school."

Was she being for real? Veronica wondered as she gaped at the masked girl in astonishment. She could hardly believe that someone as young as the Visitor could just snatch away the daughter of a stupidly powerful sorcerer and bring her all the way to this highly fortified school from an island in the pacific. But if she was telling the truth, how did she manage it?

"As for who I really am, I'm the Visitor. And that's all I'm going to say. If you want to know more about me, then play a game with me."

"A game?"

"That's right," said the Visitor. She posed in a way that Veronica could practically see the malicious grin hidden beneath that monkey mask. "A game! I ch-!"

Two cupcakes suddenly appeared from the sky and flew directly into the Visitor's face. The impact of the cupcakes going splat around her eyes caused the Visitor to stumble towards a discarded banana peel that likely dropped there when the janitor accidentally knocked a trash bin off-balance as he fled from the chaos. The Visitor's heel landed on the banana peel, and both it and she slipped. She ended up falling headfirst into another trash bin that had managed to stay upright instead of falling like the brother that had stood next to it for several years.

Veronica could see the Visitor's feet flail pathetically while the rest of her was buried deep in the trash bin.

Now Available in eBook and Paperback!

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