
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Writing Style

So, for a while now, my writing style's . . . (how should I say it?) . . . evolved. Since the beginning of it all for me, I've just written however without much of a plan. But now, I've created a sort of structure in my novels, which I like to call the Three Chapter Arcs style. Basically, I divide the overall novel into mini story arcs, which I normally spread out in three chapters per arc. Some of the arcs in some of my later books do stretch out for shorter than two chapters or longer than three chapters, but it's usually around three chapters long.

I might have used something like the Three Chapter Arcs style for some of my earlier books, I only actively started using it on Quest for the Witch, which is about a witch traveling around the country solving problems related to dark magic. I used that style again for its sequel, though one arc stretched out to about three-fourths a section. And I'm using that style again for two of the three books I'm working on right now.

The third book I'm working on's been put on hold since way before I decided to stick more with the Three Chapter Arcs style. For that one, I'm feeling iffy about how it'll turn out, but I'll just have to do my best with what I've got so far.

But so far, I've been doing pretty well with this kind of writing. I feel really good with one of those three books so far.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to share with you for now.

Stay safe out there. Keep social distancing. And happy reading!

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