
Saturday, August 22, 2020

The End of a Journey . . . Not Quite Yet

 Hey, hey, hey everyone!

Big news! I've at last completed the final novel of the Ben and Co. Novel series! After six years, the main series is finally over! And I say main series because I'm not quite done with Ben and the gang just yet. But I'll get to that a little bit later.

First, let me tell you a little bit more about the book. Titled Temporal, this story takes place many years after Extraterrestrial, and focuses on Benjamin Tao's daughter Beniko who experienced unspeakable tragedy two years prior to the start and decided to live in a cave because of that. But after two years, a hunt for her starts, for her special power which has been said to be the key to making a time machine work.

Now Beniko is on the run for her life. But she won't be alone, for she will have friends, friends she never knew she had, and friends she will make along the way, to help her. 

There will be intense action, some intense drama, and a whole lot of supernatural power being thrown around making it look like the whole world is at war with each other. And in that maelstrom of conflict and chaos, there is Beniko. 

Who will remain standing in the end? Who will finally grasp the power and right to change history? You'll just have to wait and find out. 

I've already submitted everything on Amazon, so it shouldn't take longer than a couple of days for the review to be done and then it'll be out for everyone to enjoy reading. But while we wait, let me show you what the cover of the book's going to look like:

Now that's enough about that. Let me share with you some plans I have for Benjamin, the people around him, and his world. First, there are still more stories to tell of them, stuff that I wasn't able to add to the main novels as well as a peek into their lives in between their major adventures. And unlike their major adventures, I don't plan to make full-blown novels out of them. Instead, they'll be short stories which I'll post on this blog as part of my plans to online writing.

Secondly, I plan to start another series which will take place in the same universe as Ben's. This one probably won't have the same amount of impact as Benjamin's stories had, but it's the sort of story that I've been itching to try my hand at for a while, influenced by my inner nerd. I'll get to more details on that another time.

Now, after completing both series, or some of them, I am thinking of compiling them into books to publish and sell. After all, even though I'm mostly writing for fun, I do want to earn some extra moolah. But they will only come out in print if I do compile and publish them, meaning you can all still read them for free on my blog wherever and whenever you want, as long as the Internet's still around.

Anyway, I'm so excited that I finally finished the conclusion to Benjamin Tao and company's adventures. It's been a long time since I started it, six years in fact, and I couldn't be prouder of it all. There were some hiccups along the road, but I can safely say that I've put my all into telling you their stories. And although I am happy to have given a proper ending to their adventures, I am sad that I may soon give them good-byes.

Well, that's all I got for now. I'm really grateful to you for being part of this journey and hope you'll be there for the next journeys to come.

Stay safe out there, spread Aloha and not Corona, and happy reading!

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