
Friday, January 1, 2021

Good bye, 2020. Hello, 2021


So it's finally here, the end of 2020. Can't say I'm gonna miss it. But there were a few significant moments for me in 2020 as a writer, the most significant of which is the conclusion of a novel series that I had considered as some of my greatest works, the Ben and Co. Novels. 

For those of you that don't know, the Ben and Co. Novels is a book series that I started on back in 2014, which focuses on a group of teens who get mixed up in a world of psychic powers, supernatural beings, and secret organizations. Among those teens is a boy named Benjamin Tao, who's the main hero and a central figure in all the troubles that take place in the novels. I wanted the main genres of the series to be Science Fiction and Teen Spy Thriller, but I suppose you could also call it a fantasy story because of the elves, dragons and other fantastical creatures encountered in the books. 

The main storyline had ended as I had intended with the book titled Temporal, which saw the struggles of the next generation. And with its conclusion was the conclusion of Ben and Co.'s adventures. But life goes on, and we start to see how others live after their adventures with my new online story, The Mysteries of the Community Service Club. There won't be as much action or global high stakes like in the Ben and Co. Novels, but the club's adventures are sure to be exciting enough for them.

2020 was also the year that we saw a sequel to my Quest for the Witch book being published, called Journey with a Witch. Both stories take place in a magical world called Emeron and involve a magician known as the Eternal Witch. I'm working on a third book right now and was hoping to get it done before the year was up. I'm already three-fourths done. But, I suppose now there's something to look forward to in 2021.

Speaking of 2021 . . . 2021. What's my plan? Well, obviously to get vaccinated so I can finally kiss this fear of Covid good-bye. But as a writer, here's what I got planned:

2021 will obviously see the third book of the Eternal Witch Saga completed and published. Once that's done, I plan to go back to working on the Paladin Academy Chronicles, which I hope will be my main focus until that series finally reaches its conclusion. It's one of the earliest book series that I've ever worked on, after all. I also plan to expand on the world of the Eternal Witch into an overall metaseries called the World of Emeron, which the Eternal Witch Saga is a mere part of. 

And, of course, I'll be working on The Mysteries of the Community Service Club in 2021 as well. I have around five story arcs planned for that series, and hope to get at least one of them done by the end of Winter or the start of Spring.

Well, that's all I got to say in this final blog post of 2020. Stay safe out there. Happy reading, everyone. And have a Happy New Year!

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