
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Finally, A New Book Out

 Hey everyone!

I got an announcement for all of you. My latest novel is now out on Amazon. Check out the ebook, Tales of the Witch (First Half)

This story follows the adventures of the third Gwendolyn, who just got the Eternal Witch name from her teacher. But no soon did she get the name, strange things start happening. Magical animals are being kidnapped. Plants go man-eating wild in a garden. And a minister from another country is up to no good.

Follow the link below to get your copy now!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Poem: I am an American


Before we get to the poem I decided to write, I want to get something off my chest.

So, earlier this week, I was planning to post a new chapter of my online story, The Mysteries of the Community Service Club. But after what happened at Atlanta, I changed my mind and thought it better to return to another story instead, because I didn't believe the contents of the chapter were appropriate to share during such a painful time as this. I tweeted about this yesterday, but didn't disclose a reason. Now you know why. 

But towards the end of today, I decided not to post a story this week. Instead, I decided to write a poem.

Now, I am lucky to have never experienced discrimination in its worst possible forms, to live in a place where such incidents are so rare they may as well be non-existent. But when I looked up the news, turn to my favorite streaming websites, go use a search engine to earn some points, and I saw what was happening, it just upset me. And it made me fearful for my relatives because my aunts, uncles, cousins, and maybe some nieces and nephews I don't know about all live in a city, or cities, where those heinous crimes took place. I haven't heard anything so far, so I'm grateful to High Heaven for that.

If you've been following my stories, read my books, and are up to date with current events, I think it should be pretty obvious to you what I've been talking about, why this week's most recent current events were particularly important to me, and why I was affected this way. 

This poem is also inspired by the aforementioned current events, with my feelings about them poured into it.

Without further ado, I give you "I am an American".


I am an American
I was born under the Red, White, and Blue
My Speech and my Accent are no different than a White Man's in the Suburbs

I grew up watching the same American Shows
I've pledged allegiance to the same American Flag
I've studied the same American History
It's no stretch that American Values and Culture  is Engraved in my Heart and Soul

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts
I have not been wounded
I have not been assaulted
But it hurts nonetheless

It hurts me to see Americans hurt Americans
It hurts me to see my fellow Americans Battered, Bruised and Crying
It hurts to know my fellow Americans Suffer
When they're guilty of no Sin or Crime

It hurts because they watched the same American Shows
It hurts because they pledged to the same American Flag
It hurts because they studied the same American History
It hurts because they have the same American Values and the same American Culture
Engraved in their Hearts and Soul

It hurts because they have Black Hair
It hurts because they have Brown Eyes
Like Mirrors of Myself

Wo hui shuo Zhongwen
Nihongo o Benkyoushimashita
I'm proud of my Family's Heritage
I enjoyed their Traditions and Festivals
But I'm no less American than the American in the Oval Office
I'm no less American than the Americans on the Senate Floor

Tamen shuo Zhongwen
Karera wa Nihongo o Hanashimasu
Geudeul-eun hangug-eoleulhanda
They speak many, many, many others

But they are no less American than the American in the Oval Office
They are no less American than the Americans on the Senate Floor
They are no less American than I
They are no less American than You

When you curse at Them, you curse at Americans
When you push Them, hit Them, kill Them
You push Americans, hit Americans, kill Americans

Attacking Them, Us, is no different than attacking America

You are American, but We are American too

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Mysteries of the Community Service Club (Chapter Seventeen)




Following Mirai's instructions over the phone, I made my way through the streets, running as fast as I could towards Omoyo. The sky was completely black, the white street lights were disorienting, and the electric power poles had a buzz that made goosebumps break out on my arms. 

Ignoring all that, I raced towards her house and was just a few feet away when Mirai told me that Omoyo wasn't there anymore. He told me to continue down the road and then make a few turns. I didn't hesitate and did exactly as he asked.

"When you finally find Omoyo," he said, "don't hesitate. Just punch and make it reach."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I made sure to memorize his words while running. As I turned another corner, I felt a tingling sensation go down my spine. It turned my legs to jelly and I stopped for just a brief second.

"What are you doing?" Mirai said. "You're almost there! Hurry up! The Piper's got her trapped! Homura's going to die at this rate!" 

I let out a grunt, pushed through my jelly leg syndrome and started running again. 

Despite how far I've run, that was the only time I stopped. I did feel a little tired and slightly out of breath, but that was it. Now, I know something like that is weird, but I was so focused on reaching Omoyo, I never noticed.

And then I saw them. I saw Omoyo on the ground, pinned down by what looked like the stuff my Psy-Armor was made of. And I saw a man in a motorcycle helmet standing over her with a long pipe raised over his head. Any idiot could tell what was happening at a glance. I certainly did, and something in me snapped.


I screamed out Omoyo's name and threw a punch out, even though I was like several feet too far away. But from my fist, psychic energy that made up my Psy-Armor stretched out towards the man with the pipe and slammed against his visor. He stumbled backwards and the blurry stuff around Omoyo disappeared.

Although freed from the man's psychic grip, Omoyo laid on the ground, staring ahead dumbstruck. I ran up to her and pulled her to her feet, shouting, "What are you waiting for? Run!"

Omoyo looked at me with somewhat hazy eyes, but that haze quickly cleared when she saw something behind me.

"Look out!" she cried.

I reacted by pushing her away and turned around as some kind of blur ball, which was really a ball of psychic energy, hit me in the face and exploded in a loud bang. It startled me and made me fall down, but I was otherwise okay. I had my Psy-Armor on after all.

"Oota!" I could hear Omoyo call out to me over the ringing in my ears. I turned around, held my hand up to her and said, "I'm okay!"

My attention returned to the man with the pipe when I heard a slightly muffled voice speak.

"I actually felt that one, you damn punk!" he said. "My back's definitely going to be sore in the morning after that little tumble. I'll pay you back ten times, no, a hundred times for that!"

I glared at him, and I think he glared back. His visor was cracked, but it didn't break completely, so I couldn't see his face. After straightening back up, I asked him, "Are you the Piper?"

"Well this is a surprise," he said. "I didn't think you could still talk after taking that bomb to the face. You're one tough cookie."

He tapped the pipe against his shoulder.

"That's right," he said. "I'm the guy that's on the news almost every day, the so-called Piper. I wish those media guys picked a better name. It makes it sound like I'm some villain from an overseas fairy tale. But, I suppose it's also fitting in a way. That other Piper's a mass murderer too, after all."

"For a guy with a sick hobby, you sure know a lot," I said. I had no idea what other Piper he could have been talking about and I didn't care. 

"Well, thank you," the Piper said.

"Why?" I asked. I couldn’t help but ask. "Why did you kill all those people? And why are you attacking my friend?"

"Friend?" The Piper sounded surprised. "Just friend? You two aren't dating?"

"Answer me!" I shouted. That jovial attitude of his was getting on my nerves. 

"Why? Why? Why?" he said. "That's all you people ever ask me. You're asking me why I kill people? Why I went after your girl here? Even though it should be obvious? Well, I don't mind telling since it's not everyday you meet one of your own people."

"Your own people?" I went.

"Yeah," the Piper said. "Don't tell me you didn't notice."

He held up his hand and a ball of wavy blur appeared above his palm.

"We're both power users," he said. That took me by surprise, but I was able to keep a straight face thanks to the adrenaline pumping through my nerves being in the presence of a real-life killer. "But anyway, why do I kill, you ask? Because it's FUN of course! Seeing people cry and writhe in agony. I can't get enough of it! It's just so entertaining!"

"Y-you think it's fun to hurt people?" I said. Both my voice and my hands shook. But it wasn't from fear. It was from anger. "You make them suffer because it's entertaining? PEOPLE AREN'T DISPOSABLE TOYS YOU CAN BREAK FOR FUN, YOU DAMN SICKO!"

I couldn't take this guy's nonsense. I stood straight back up and pulled my wood sword out of its fabric wrapping. With nowhere to put the cloth, I just dropped it on the ground and held my sword up with two hands in front of me, determined to turn the guy black and blue until he repented. The Piper, however, wasn't afraid in the least by my sword and just laughed.

"Oh?" he said, bending forward. "It looks like you know a bit of Kendo. That's nice. That's really nice. I used to practice it myself when I was your age. I was pretty good at it too."

"JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed. "I don't want to hear anymore out your mouth, you garbage heap!"

The Piper just still laughed. He was having the time of his life.

"I like my prey crying and sniffling like babies, but this works too," he said. "It's fresh! Okay, tough guy! Let's you and me have a good, clean match. What do you say?"

There were a lot of words that I would use for this match, and "good" and "clean" were not any of them.

Omoyo grabbed my arm.

"Don't, Oota," she said, staring at me with pleading eyes. She had always given me the impression of a tough girl who wasn’t afraid to brawl if she needed to, so it really shook me to my core to see her so afraid. 

My own fury disappeared as a result and I remembered what I was here for. I was here to save Omoyo and keep her safe. Everything else could come after that. Because of that, I decided to run instead of staying to fight.

I grabbed Omoyo’s hand and together, we ran away.

Admittedly, I had another reason to run. Having cooled my head off and lost my adrenaline, there was nothing to stop my normal flight response from kicking in.

“Hey, hey, hey,” went the Piper. “You’re running away? What happened to all that fire from earlier?”

I ignored him and kept running with Omoyo in tow.




As soon as I touched Oota’s arm, I felt the fiery rage in him subside. But a huge amount of fear took its place and we started running without a word. We didn’t get far before running into a wall of psychic energy blocking our way. Oota tried slamming his shoulder against the wall as hard as he could to break it, but he just bounced off of it. Behind us, we could hear the Piper cackle. 

“Too bad,” he sang. “You’re not getting away that easily.”

He slowly approached us, letting the end of his pipe drag across the floor. The almost musical scraping echoed a little against the concrete walls that surrounded us.

Oota and I slowly retreated from the sick monster until our backs touched the wall of psychic energy blocking the way. When we did, Oota moved to stand between me and the Piper. I could feel Oota’s fear escalate and see his knees shaking. I was shaking too from the Piper’s murderous intent assaulting my psychic senses.

“Come on,” said the Piper. “Come at me! If not, then I’ll come at YOU!”

He ran towards us. Oota moved to counter, but the Piper swerved around him and went straight towards me.

“No!” I heard Oota cry out.

I tried to move out of the way, but the Piper was too fast. He was in front of me before I knew it and swung his pipe down on my head. I didn’t even have time to close my eyes.

I thought that this would be the end of me, that I was going to die. I expected an explosion of pain to my forehead, but instead there was nothing. No pain, no stars, no black nothingness. The pipe had stopped just a centimeter from my nose, followed by what sounded like a gong. I noticed that the top section of the pipe over my face had watery waves rippling around it. Oota must have cast his Psy-Armor on me.

“Tch!” The Piper clicked his tongue. He swiftly backed away and turned around to face Oota. "Looks like I'll have to deal with you first, after all! And that's fine by me!"

Giving up on me, the Piper went after Oota next. The rippling waves disappeared and I could see clearly as Oota raised his sword to block the Piper’s pipe. 

After that attack failed, the Piper pulled back and then struck again three times. His moves were fast. Even if I had been in my right mind and had a sword like Oota’s, I probably would not be able to block them all. And yet, even though he was way worse at the sword than me, Oota was able to swiftly deflect all of the Piper’s attacks. And he did it in elegant form. This could only be possible because of his Psy-Armor responding to his thoughts and instincts.

Oota tried to strike back with a thrust forward. But the Piper stepped aside and dodged. As Oota brushed past him, the Piper held his hand out and gathered psychic energy into the shape of a ball. An explosion from the ball launched it at Oota and hit him in the face before exploding with a loud, startling bang. The Piper launched missile after missile at Oota, all the while screaming, “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

And then he stopped. After taking a few deep breaths, he laughed. It started out as a short chuckle. But then it exploded into an uncontrollable cackle.

“You really are tough for such a wimpy-looking kid,” he said. “Even after all that, you’re still standing!”

Oota said nothing. He just held his sword in front of him and glared at the Piper while confidence in him began to rise. 

Confidence must have risen in Oota because he felt nothing from the attacks. His armor had completely protected him from any damage, which meant that nothing the Piper did could hurt him.

But unaware of this, the Piper continued to laugh in childish glee. “This better not be all you got,” he said, “because I’m having the time of my life right now! Let’s you and me dance all night long!”

He raised his hand to attack again, but then someone behind him screamed and Toshiro appeared, tackling the Piper to the ground. His appearance was completely unexpected and took us all by surprise. He erased the Piper’s bloodthirst, completely overcoming it with his own hellish rage. And in its own way, Toshiro’s rage was just as frightening as the Piper’s disturbing enjoyment.

Toshiro yanked the Piper’s helmet off and viciously pummeled his face. His punches were so ferocious that his hand ended up dyed red in the Piper’s blood. He was like a rabid animal who was tearing apart his prey just for the sake of it. I was horrified to see Toshiro like that and screamed at him to stop, warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Stop, Toshi!” I yelled. “Please just stop!”

Toshiro didn’t seem to hear me. 

"Oota, stop him!" I begged. But Oota stood paralyzed. He was surprised by Toshiro's appearance and became full of uncertainty and hesitation. 

It looked like Toshiro was going to kill the Piper, but then an invisible force slammed against Toshiro’s shoulder and pushed him off of the Piper. Both Oota and I cried out Toshiro’s name and raced to his side, but fortunately, except for a bad scrape to his right elbow, he was fine. I was a bit relieved, but that relief was short-lived when I was suddenly overcome with a familiar, chilling and nauseating sensation.

Looking up, I saw a man coming towards us, wearing black clothes and a motorcycle helmet. He held a long pipe and had it resting on his shoulders.

“TWO Pipers!?” Oota cried out. “There are TWO!?”

This second Piper ignored us and walked over to the first Piper, looking down at him. He let out a low whistle.

“They sure did a number on you, huh?” he said.

The first Piper spoke up, but with his bloody nose and missing teeth, what came out was babbling that no one could understand.

Sighing, the second Piper said, “I suppose it falls on me to clean up after you. Just sit tight for a bit.”

I was also stunned. I didn’t think that there would be two such monsters. And they clearly knew each other. 

“Figures,” I heard Toshiro mutter. I glanced his way and watched him glare at the two murderers. “That explains it. It makes sense that there’d be two of ‘em.”

The second Piper turned his head towards us next, and the hunger for murder I sensed from him suddenly intensified and made my knees buckled.

“Sorry,” he said, “but I’m going to have to make this quick. It’ll be dawn any moment, and I can’t risk any early risers stumbling into this. It’s too bad, really. I would have liked to take my time and savor the fun.”

As he chuckled wickedly, he tossed the pipe aside and showed what he had been holding behind his back with his other hand. It was my kitchen knife, the one that I accidentally dropped during my struggle with the first Piper.

Oota quickly moved in front of me and Toshiro and raised his hands. He created a wall of psychic energy between him and the second Piper.

Irritation surfaced from the second Piper and he lowered the knife, clicking his tongue.

“Can’t even enjoy a knifing,” he grumbled. But then he turned to his partner and the murderous hunger flared up again. "Or not."

I could tell what he was thinking of doing next and it made my stomach clench.

This guy, I thought, he wants to kill so badly, it doesn't matter who. This guy, and that guy too, they really are monsters.

“Don’t look, Oota!” I screamed.

The first Piper looked up at the second as a few strands of his long hair fell over his eyes, which had a glaze over them from the beating he took.

“Whad are you . . . ?”

The second Piper held the knife up and then plunged down towards his partner. But before the knife point could reach the first Piper’s belly, the second Piper froze. His partner gaped at him with wide eyes and his mouth hung open. And then the second Piper flew from one side of the street to the other, and slammed against the wall before flying to the middle of the road where he stayed floating.

Slowly, a short figure walked out of the shadows and into the light. She wore a frilly cream-colored blouse and a long plaid skirt, and had her hand stretched out in front of her. It was Aika.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Blog-like Blog

 Hey everyone.

It's me, your favorite author, here with an update about my writing. So, it's been a while since I posted anything blog-like. Mostly, I've just been posting chapters of the Mysteries of the Community Service Club without saying anything.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that I'm close to completing another novel. But even as I complete the final chapter, I got to thinking, that this novel's massive. It's got like the most chapters, and probably the most pages out of every work I've published. I already got the story separated into parts, and it made me wonder if I should publish by parts instead of all together. Some people would say that, business-wise, it would be a smart way to max earnings, but I've long since given up on the idea of making a living out of my writing, and instead focused on just having fun with it and maybe earn a little extra something from it on top of my day job.

Still, I'm not sure if anyone would enjoy diving into a behemoth of a book, or ebook. There are plenty of books out there with several times the content of my current novel that are doing good, but as an independent writer with a bit of a lazy mindset, my confidence is a bit shaky comparing my work to those. So, I decided to just go through with publishing the story in parts, even though I've pretty much completed the whole entire thing at this point, and just needed to edit a few places here and there. 

I've already numbered the chapters One to fifty-something, and don't plan on changing that, even with the parts separated. Why? Because it's just too much work for these lazybones, and I've already agonized over everything else about the novel, story-wise. I also have the cover art to worry about, which remains difficult for me as an amateur artist who depends on the Paint program on a mouse-less laptop to make the design.

Sorry for sounding whiney here and there, but let's move on.

So, the main plot of my novel, which will be titled Tales of the Witch, takes place years after Journey with a Witch, and marks the end of the Eternal Witch saga. It follows the adventures of a young witch named Gwendolyn, after inheriting her master's special nickname that's traditionally passed down. That nickname is Gwendolyn the Eternal Witch and the tradition was started by Gwendolyn's master's master. 

Gwendolyn suddenly gets mixed up in a bunch of trouble happening around her town, and she starts to get mysterious dreams. While looking into these dreams, she will come across a shocking truth about herself, and figure out who the mastermind behind all her troubles is.

Although I've said that the novel will be the end of the Eternal Witch saga, that doesn't mean Gwendolyn won't show up again. I plan to expand on Gwendolyn's world, bringing focus on some of the characters while introducing new ones. I had always wanted to expand a world and make it bigger than just series that started it all, and decided that Emeron will be that world. Some stories will take place in other worlds, but have some connection to Emeron, sort of like post-Emeron stories.

Now, before I close this blog, let me give you some idea of what I have planned for The Mysteries of the Community Service Club.

First, once I get the last chapter of the first story arc out, I plan to put them all together into a novel to be published and sold. I'm a bit on the fence about putting it on Amazon, even though that's my main platform. This time around, the novel will solely be on paperback, because I want to keep the chapters available on my blog for free.

Second, I plan to overhaul the webpage for the online story. Instead of listing every single chapter, the main page will list their arcs, with links to each arc's chapter, just to make it a bit neat and tidy. I have around five story arcs planned, so just putting all the chapters together in one place might be a bit too much. And I want to decorate the pages with some cover art, though I'm still debating what kind of cover art to give. Like do I just use photos I've taken on my phone of nature scenes? Or do I keep drawing on Paint on my computer? That sort of thing.

That's all I have to say right now.

Thanks for coming here, reading my work and supporting me in any little way you can.

Happy reading, everyone!