
Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Blog-like Blog

 Hey everyone.

It's me, your favorite author, here with an update about my writing. So, it's been a while since I posted anything blog-like. Mostly, I've just been posting chapters of the Mysteries of the Community Service Club without saying anything.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that I'm close to completing another novel. But even as I complete the final chapter, I got to thinking, that this novel's massive. It's got like the most chapters, and probably the most pages out of every work I've published. I already got the story separated into parts, and it made me wonder if I should publish by parts instead of all together. Some people would say that, business-wise, it would be a smart way to max earnings, but I've long since given up on the idea of making a living out of my writing, and instead focused on just having fun with it and maybe earn a little extra something from it on top of my day job.

Still, I'm not sure if anyone would enjoy diving into a behemoth of a book, or ebook. There are plenty of books out there with several times the content of my current novel that are doing good, but as an independent writer with a bit of a lazy mindset, my confidence is a bit shaky comparing my work to those. So, I decided to just go through with publishing the story in parts, even though I've pretty much completed the whole entire thing at this point, and just needed to edit a few places here and there. 

I've already numbered the chapters One to fifty-something, and don't plan on changing that, even with the parts separated. Why? Because it's just too much work for these lazybones, and I've already agonized over everything else about the novel, story-wise. I also have the cover art to worry about, which remains difficult for me as an amateur artist who depends on the Paint program on a mouse-less laptop to make the design.

Sorry for sounding whiney here and there, but let's move on.

So, the main plot of my novel, which will be titled Tales of the Witch, takes place years after Journey with a Witch, and marks the end of the Eternal Witch saga. It follows the adventures of a young witch named Gwendolyn, after inheriting her master's special nickname that's traditionally passed down. That nickname is Gwendolyn the Eternal Witch and the tradition was started by Gwendolyn's master's master. 

Gwendolyn suddenly gets mixed up in a bunch of trouble happening around her town, and she starts to get mysterious dreams. While looking into these dreams, she will come across a shocking truth about herself, and figure out who the mastermind behind all her troubles is.

Although I've said that the novel will be the end of the Eternal Witch saga, that doesn't mean Gwendolyn won't show up again. I plan to expand on Gwendolyn's world, bringing focus on some of the characters while introducing new ones. I had always wanted to expand a world and make it bigger than just series that started it all, and decided that Emeron will be that world. Some stories will take place in other worlds, but have some connection to Emeron, sort of like post-Emeron stories.

Now, before I close this blog, let me give you some idea of what I have planned for The Mysteries of the Community Service Club.

First, once I get the last chapter of the first story arc out, I plan to put them all together into a novel to be published and sold. I'm a bit on the fence about putting it on Amazon, even though that's my main platform. This time around, the novel will solely be on paperback, because I want to keep the chapters available on my blog for free.

Second, I plan to overhaul the webpage for the online story. Instead of listing every single chapter, the main page will list their arcs, with links to each arc's chapter, just to make it a bit neat and tidy. I have around five story arcs planned, so just putting all the chapters together in one place might be a bit too much. And I want to decorate the pages with some cover art, though I'm still debating what kind of cover art to give. Like do I just use photos I've taken on my phone of nature scenes? Or do I keep drawing on Paint on my computer? That sort of thing.

That's all I have to say right now.

Thanks for coming here, reading my work and supporting me in any little way you can.

Happy reading, everyone!

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