
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Blog Post: Slightly Burnt Out

Hey everyone!

How's it going? It's your favorite indie writer, Victor here, with a new blog post! I just thought I'd give you all a quick update about what's been going on with me lately.

If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that I was recently on a "writing roll" for the last three weeks. I've churned out quite a lot of chapters for the next installment of the Lucy's Emeron Journey series. And I got out a few chapters for The Vampire's Coffee Shop as well.

But now, just as the title of this post says, I've gotten a little burnt out. It's not the first time this has happened while I'm writing stories, and it most certainly won't be the last. When that happens, my writing slows down a lot and I'll be lucky to get anything done by a week's time. It's times like this that I really need to do things at my own pace, or even take a break. Otherwise, I'd just be forcing myself to write and that wouldn't be fun for anyone. Not me and certainly not my readers. It's because I might have tried to force myself to power through that there were parts of past novels and books that left me feeling dissatisfied with, but were otherwise irreversible which left me no choice but to follow through with subpar works.

This blog post doesn't count though. What I have to say here is enough to get me writing as enthusiastically as when I'm writing stories during a bout of inspiration.

Other than my current case of burn-out, I also wanted to give you all a few updates on my plans for the future.

As you all probably know from following me all these years, I currently have multiple stories that I'm writing simultaneously both on and off this blog. For right now, I'm focused on only two of them, which I have listed before: Lucy's Emeron Journey and The Vampire's Coffee Shop

For The Vampire's Coffee Shop, there are actually only a few chapters left to the series before I'm done with it. Honestly, I wished I could keep it going for a little longer, but at this moment, I can't really see that happening unless I get another bout of inspiration for additional chapters. As of right now, there are only a few things I could see clearly happening for Peggy and the rest of the residents of Featherkeep. And from those, I estimate I can make around five chapters, including the final one.

As for Lucy's Emeron Journey, the plan was always to make three books in the series. I'm currently in the middle of writing Book 2. Knowing my own pace, it'll still be a while before I finally reach The End. But once that is done, I will completely transition over to putting stories up on my blog. And then whatever I finish up here will be compiled into paperback books to be sold on Amazon. There'll be no more eBooks from me from then on.

If you're wondering why I've decided to finally pull the plug on creating eBooks, well, it's because I honestly get more viewership on this blog than I do selling my books on Amazon. I would have liked to earn some extra cash selling the things I had fun making, but even that has not been possible lately. At least with this blog, I know people are still reading my stories and (hopefully) enjoying them.

Currently, The Mysteries of the Community Service Club, my sci-fi/supernatural, teen mystery series, is on hiatus. I do still have a strong enough vision of how the club's stories will go and plan to get back to it soon. It's just that the world of Emeron takes higher priority for me right now.

To this date, allow me to summarize the statuses of all my story series:

        *Lucy's Emeron Journey: Ongoing
        *The Vampire's Coffee Shop: Ongoing
        *The Mysteries of the Community Service Club: On Hiatus (Temporarily)
        *The Paladin Academy Chronicles: On Hiatus (Indefinitely)
        *The Shadow Slayers Trilogy: On Hiatus (Indefinitely)
        *The Virtual Experience: On Hiatus (Indefinitely)
        *The Eternal Witch Saga: Completed
        *The Silverwest Trilogy: Completed
        *The Country of Dragons Series: Completed
        *The Ben and Co. Novel Series: Completed

Looking back at this list, I have written A LOT of stories over the years. And I hope to keep writing stories for years to come. However, sadly, there are some stories I cannot see myself ever finishing anymore. They are, as you've probably guessed, the stories listed as On Hiatus (Indefinitely). I'm especially disappointed at leaving the Paladin Academy Chronicles unfinished, as it is one of my earliest and oldest series. I would even say the Paladin Academy Chronicles was my starting point as a writer. But as of right now, I've lost touch of where I wanted to go with it and how to get there. It's the same with the other indefinitely paused series.

Maybe one day, I will find the inspiration to get back to continuing them. But for now, those that are on hiatus indefinitely have been effectively abandoned. There are more stories that I've yet to write that I am eager to bring to you all, which I will get to do once at least one more series has been completed.

And now, it seems, I've finally hit the wall even for this blog post. I've said all I wanted to and could say, so I'll take my leave here.

Happy reading, everyone!

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