
Monday, March 4, 2024

Poem: Changed at '19

Changed at '19.

Perhaps forever more, I am.

Once a mocker, now an emulator of the mocked.

The abnormal became normal,

An everyday urge, vice and obsession.

I cannot stop what had begun at '19.

I cannot change back to what I was.

An error upon my paper,

What is etched with Sharpie cannot be erased.

Before '19, carefree 'twas I.

Now, I am a turtle,

Most comfortable in its shell.

Or a snail in a world of salt.

Although past has '19,

Slow is the fish to match

The wax and wane of the ocean.

A storm with little hint of receding.

An insanity born at '19.

Like a scar that never fades.

Though the world may move on,

A block of ice remains my coffin.

A glue sticks me to the past.

Bad habits die hard.

I cannot resist them.

This is what it means

To be changed by '19

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