
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Probably the last post of the year!

Hey, everyone!

Wow. Has it really been close to two months since my last blog? Time sure flies when you're busy with life.

Anywho, I just thought I'd give you all an update to what's been going on.

So, I'm close to finishing the latest Ben and Co. novel. Just a few more chapters to go! That's something to be excited about. After that, I'm hoping to move on to the next Paladin Academy story. I've been itching to get to that one, since it'll give a more proper introduction to one of my favorite characters in the series.

Now what else is there to talk about? Oh yeah!

Well, I've done it again. Just increased my writing workload with the start of a new story series. This one is a bit of horror/fantasy for younger readers (around E 10+) featuring classic monsters and fairy tale creatures. The premise will be the main character chronicling his adventures with his new step-brother and friends, who just happened to be monsters, solving supernatural cases. Here's a pic that I'm planning to use for the eventual book's cover art.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

Have a happy reading and have a happy new year!

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