
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Quality of Work

Hey, reading fans. It's me, Victor, again. Here with the latest of what's been going on with me.

So, as the name suggested, I thought I'd talk to you all about the quality of my work. If you've been following my blog so far, you'll realize that this is an elaboration of what I've talked about in one of my previous posts about my insecurities.

So, since I'm mainly writing for fun, it's a given that the quality of my writing wouldn't get me in the top sellers list. However, I think I've greatly improved since my early days when I made the first version of the Paladin Academy Chronicles. The quality of the books I had completed so far was so bad, I decided to redo the whole series to what it is now. Don't believe me? Then go check out the reviews over HERE. That was a comment on the first version of Book One of the Paladin Academy Chronicles. I really should have just started a new page for the latest version on Amazon. I wonder why I didn't. But it's already too late for that. Or is it? Now that I think about it, I can probably still do that. But should I really? When it was selling well enough, even with that scathing review? This, I'll have to ponder for later.

Anyway, moving on. Although I believe my writing's a lot less cringe-worthy, there are times where I'm not really satisfied with the way a novel of mine's turned out, which I mentioned in my blog post about my insecurities. I held out on saying which of my books would be an example, but I've decided now to just come clean and say it was the latest installment of my Ben and Co. novel series, titled Extraterrestrial. There are parts in the novel that I have this incredible urge to try and redo.

But like many other times, with some of my other works, the moment I go back to try and edit them, I end up leaving the part be. Why? One: because I couldn't think how it should be changed. Two: I'm a bit lazy so hesitant to put in the extra work. And Three: it just suddenly looks like it fits to me, as if the book itself was telling me this was how it was supposed to go. So, really, in the end, I edited my stories the best I could before I had them published. Meaning, even though it might be sub-par compared to my other stories, the final product out right now on Amazon was the best that I could do for my beloved series, which is frustrating because it shows that's my limit as a writer. I hope to redeem the series one day with the next and true final installment, which I'm planning to start soon after I finish one of the two other stories I've been focused on lately.

One of the reasons my writing's been dipping in quality lately is likely because of everything that's been happening around me, criticisms I've seen of other people's stories, and what I've been seeing on the news. And it doesn't help that I'm already a bit of a withdrawn, introverted person. All these things made me self-conscious of the things I put in my stories, like I'm even more afraid of getting out of my shell now than before in an effort not to offend anyone or something like that. I know that would be ridiculous to a true artist, but I'm only human. I have invisible chains around me like anyone else that holds me back.

Anyway, thanks for putting up with this one writer's rant. I hope you all have a great October and Halloween.

Happy reading, y'all.

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