
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Writing During A Pandemic

Hey everyone.

It's been a long time since my last post and a lot has happened since then. First, let me give you the low down on my life. Everything's fine so far. Me, my family, and my friends are all healthy, albeit a bit worried with what's going on with the world.

With the pandemic going on, needless to say, I've had a lot more free time on my hands. Normally that would mean I should be making plenty of progress with writing my novels. However, I've been a lot slower than I would have liked. Reasons include my own attention span, lots of distractions on the internet, knots in my shoulder muscles, the ability to think up scenarios and what followed before and after them, and actually putting those scenarios into words. I know they sound like excuses, but that's just the way it is for me. I'm not a passionate artist. Just a guy who wants to put his imagination into words for fun and maybe earn some extra money. But I have made enough progress that I'm nearing the last legs for both of the novels I've been working on simultaneously.

First up is my sequel to Quest For the Witch, which I've titled Journey With A Witch. For that novel, I've reached the appearance of the final boss and the start of the final boss fight. But now I need to think about how it'll go, who'll do what, and what words I can use to paint an image in my readers' minds.

And if you've been following me on Twitter, you'll know that I'm about to write some pretty heavy scenes in the story. They were scenes that I had thought of long before I started writing the story, and I'm glad I finally got to the point of putting those scenes into words. As you all know, I felt a little bit disappointed in the last novel I wrote for my Ben and Co. Series. Even though I think I made Extraterrestrial the best that I possibly could, it just wasn't all that satisfying for me. I hope to get some revenge against myself for that with this latest, and final installment of the series, Temporal, which will be full of action, some drama, and tragedy.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say, so I'll end this post here. I know you're all probably tired of hearing/reading this but stay safe, stay indoors, practice social distancing, and we'll get through this.

Happy reading, everyone!

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