
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Poem: Growing Up


It's me again, Victor the Writer and Blogger.

So, there is still a lot going on in the world, with a lot of news that . . . to put it mildly, deeply, deeply, deeply disappointed me. This is nothing new. Since I've become more aware of the greater world outside my community and current events, around post-high school, I've seen news that both frustrated me and severely shook my beliefs as an American that had been shaped since I was a very little boy.

With what's happened in the past week, I felt a need to write a poem. It was a need that I never felt so strongly before. I am very well aware that I have no talent for the written word, and that this poem is riddled with my personal views and beliefs, so please bear with me.

Thus, I present to you, Growing Up.

Growing up
Growing up, a Boy goes to School
Growing up, a boy watches TV
Growing up, a Boy reads Books

Growing up, a Boy goes to School
He pledges allegiance to the Flag
Every morning, Monday to Friday
Speaking and hearing "Liberty and Justice for All"

He is taught that judging books by their covers is wrong
He is taught that being different is not bad
But that Racism and Discrimination are
He is taught that no matter one's Skin or Heritage, 
All are Equal
All should be treated Fair 

Growing up, a Boy watches TV
He sees on TV that Police are Heroes
He sees on TV, Heroes preaching never to bully the Weak
He sees on TV that Killing is Wrong
He sees on TV, Friends with Different Color Skin
He sees on TV, Corruption feel Justice Served

Growing up, a Boy reads books
He reads of a man named Abraham, a hero for ending Slavery
He reads of a man named Martin, a hero for Equality
He reads of a Wizard preaching Love
He reads of Villains touting False Superiority ultimately Fall

"So why?"
The boy asks.
"Why has it come to this?"
The Boy grown watches in Horror
He listens in Horror

"Is this not the Land of the Free?"
"Do we not have Freedom of Speech?"
"Do we not have Freedom of Press?"
"And are we not all Equal?"
"Are Police not for the People?"
"Are Police not for Law and Justice?"

"Then why?"
"Why commit such horrible sins?"
"Why defend such horrible Criminals?"
"Why bully the Weak?"
"Why cheer for Bullies?"

They do not deserve cheers
They do not deserve the Badge
They do not deserve to be called Police

They are not Keepers of the Peace
They are not Defenders of the Weak
They are not the Police the Boy was taught to Love and Respect
They are only Bullies and Oppressors
True Villains

Growing up no more, the Boy is Disappointed
He shakes his head
He rubs his temples
He breaths in air but sighs Dark Clouds
And then, a Boy no more, He Writes

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